Ruby – The story behind Mark Parrish and the Epilepsy Foundation

Over the Christmas Holidays in 2004, my three-year-old niece, Ruby, was diagnosed with epilepsy. She suffered a grand mal seizure and was hospitalized for four days. Luckily, my brother’s family was in Freiburg, Germany at the time. Freiburg is the premier neurological study center and hospital for the entire country.

Once she was tested and placed on medication, things seemed to be okay. However, in May of 2006, she once again experienced a grand mal and was hospitalized at Minneapolis Childrens Hospital. Both of these were frightening experiences for all the family members and had a strong impact on me. I felt it was time I did something to help Ruby and other children who need medical care and support. This is why I am starting my Foundation. This Foundation is designed to give financial assistance to children like Ruby who need extra medical care.

21 for Kids values the place of children in the community. It is a child-focused organization that provides grants and funding to Minnesota foundations and individuals, based solely on need, to cover a variety of expenses for children. The areas of need can include, but are not limited to health issues, recreational opportunities, educational funding. This assistance is provided without regard to the child’s age, race, physical abilities, religious beliefs, gender, or ethnic background.

Photo’s from the August 2007, Minnesota Stroll for Epilepsy

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